Corporate compliance
The latest reform of the Criminal Code as a result of Organic Law 5/2015 has motivated the need to implement Corporate Compliance systems in companies.
Adbisio ETL Global develops Crime Prevention Programmes to help companies and their administrators to comply with these new requirements, advising and providing support in all phases and aspects of their implementation.
The first step for its development is the establishment of a CODE OF ETHICS or CODE OF CONDUCT that sets the guidelines to be followed in Compliance policies:
Organisations are criminally sanctioned for the commission of infractions that may be committed on a regular basis within the scope of their business activity.
These infractions can be committed by employees or administrators.
Possible fines:
- Installment or proportional fine.
- Dissolution of the legal person.
- Suspension of its activities for a period not exceeding five years.
- Closure of its premises and establishments for not more than five years.
Posibles multas
- Definitive or temporary prohibition from carrying out certain activities in the future
- Disqualification for no more than 15 years from obtaining public subsidies and aid.
- Judicial intervention for no more than five years in favour of creditors or workers.
Adbisio ETL Global develops Crime Prevention Programmes to help companies and their administrators to comply with these new requirements, providing advice and support in all phases and aspects of their implementation.
We develop all the mechanisms to exempt from criminal liability.
We help to improve the competitiveness of companies.
We improve internal control and corporate responsibility
We segregate the functions and responsibilities of the organisation.
We strengthen the image and reputation of companies.